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How Much Is My House Worth?​

Curious about the value of your home? Get a free and accurate quote on how much your home is worth by filling out our “Home Value Estimator” form. We can help give you the most accurate, and up-to-date estimate on your home’s value, as well as go over any other expenses that’ll occur throughout the process of getting your home sold so you know how much money you keep when everything’s all said and done.

Here are the most frequently asked questions about selling your home

The answer to this question is NO! Anyone whose bought or sold a home over the past decade has definitely heard of sites like Zillow or Trulia. These websites are commonly referred to as third party real estate websites. Third party real estate sites are not local to any market.

These third party sites can create a general estimate for any home in any market, which means it is not capable of understanding the intricacies, and nuances of your local market. It’s silly to believe that a website headquartered in California, is capable of generating an accurate estimate on a home in Central Florida. Third party websites, such as Zillow and Trulia, use computer generated home values based on calculations and formulas.

Over the past several years, homeowners have become understandably upset by these “home value estimators”. Especially after they’re told that their home is worth less than what the online estimator says their home is worth. It’s critical that when selling a home, the value is determined by a real estate professional in your local area, not a robot!

Spring and Summer are always the hottest seasons to sell your home, but houses sell year round, especially in our current market. This doesn’t mean it’s bad to sell your home in the Fall or Winter either, because during that time inventory is usually lower, which means you’re home is going to have plenty of attention in those times as well. Since every home sellers situation is different, you should discuss the timing of your home sale with a real estate professional.

There are many market indicators that a real estate professional should be able to explain to you that’ll help clarify the condition of your local real estate market. One of the most important numbers to look at are the average days on the market. The average days on market can indicate to a seller how quickly homes are selling, which should give you a good idea on how long YOUR home will sit on the market. For more tips and strategies on getting your home sold as quick as possible, for the price you want, fill out the form above to get your free home evaluation!

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